How to treat a deep cut without stitches

A rupture It is an irregular cut in the skin caused by a sharp instrument. This type of reduction is the most common reason for emergency room visits in the United States. Several million cases are reported each year.

Although the tear can often be deep, you may be able to treat a deep cut without stitches. Proper wound care can prevent infection and hospitalization, ensure proper healing, and reduce scarring. In some cases, it may save your life.

This article will discuss how to treat a tear. You will also learn when a cut requires medical care and possibly stitches.

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Steps to treat a tear

Injuries caused by an animal or human bite need immediate medical care to prevent bacterial infection. You may also need to see a health care provider for stitches if the wound is particularly deep or in a specific location.

Signs that you need stitches include:

  • The wound does not stop bleeding after applying pressure for 10 minutes.
  • There is something embedded in the wound.
  • Laceration is on the hands, mouth, face, or genitals.
  • The cut is deeper or longer than a half inch.
  • Bone, muscle or adipose tissue is visible.

Even a large tear should eventually heal on its own without stitches, but stitching it helps it heal faster. It also keeps bacteria out and reduces the risk of infection. Getting stitches can prevent scarring as well.

If the tear is deep but doesn’t appear to require stitches, you should be able to treat it with a basic first aid kit at home. If you or someone else has suffered a tear, here are some general guidelines to follow.

Stay safe

Before you start helping an injured person, be safe. For example, some wounds bleed a lot. You will need to try to prevent the other person’s blood from getting to you.

Do your best to prevent infection when you care for someone who is sick or injured. Steps you can take to stay safe are called universal precautions.

Wearing gloves and a face mask, if you have one, is another step you can take. These items are called personal protective equipment. It helps keep you and the person you care for safe.

Control bleeding

The most important step in wound care is preventing blood loss. There are several ways you can do this.

First, apply pressure directly on the wound. Then raise the affected area above the level of the person’s heart (if possible). Keep it there for about 15 minutes. This should be long enough to stop the bleeding.

If the wound is still bleeding, try applying pressure to the thigh or bending the elbow. These pressure points can help stop bleeding.


A tourniquet is a tight band that stops blood flow to a part of the body. A tourniquet can stop bleeding but should only be used if the bleeding is severe and life-threatening.

Even when someone applies a tourniquet correctly, it can still cause damage. They should only be used in life-or-death situations when medical care will not be available soon enough to help someone.

It is recommended that only a person who has been trained (such as a first responder) wear a tourniquet.

Know when to call 911

If you cannot stop the bleeding, call 911. Losing too much blood is dangerous. If a major artery is cut, a person can lose a life-threatening amount of blood in just 5 minutes.

Cleaning the wound

Once the bleeding stops, wash the wound and surrounding skin. Use warm water, mild soap, and be gentle. If the wound is deep, it may start bleeding again if you are not careful.

Reapply pressure if bleeding starts again. If you cannot stop the bleeding, call 911.

Apply disinfectant

For a smaller wound that does not need stitches, apply antiseptic ointment and an adhesive bandage. An example is the butterfly closure bandage. You probably have one of these in your first aid kit baby.

The bandage keeps the wound clean and prevents infection. It can also help prevent scarring.

Dressing the wound

After dressing the wound, cover it with sterile gauze. Your first aid kit should contain a roll or patches of it. You can either hold the gauze in place or wrap it with an elastic bandage.

Check for infection

While the wound is healing, look for signs of infection. Check the bandage daily to make sure there is no oozing or excessive bleeding. Clean the wound every time you change the bandage.

If the cut begins to swell or ooze pus, contact your doctor.

Pain control

Lacerations can hurt a lot. Putting an ice pack on it may help. You may want to take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen).

Keeping the wound elevated will reduce swelling and may relieve discomfort.

Get screenshots (if necessary)

All non-sterile objects contain bacteria. Some of these bacteria can make you very sick. You may need a tetanus vaccine or a tetanus booster shot.

risk Tetanus It’s higher if the wound is on your feet, can’t be cleaned right away, or was caused by an animal bite.

Animal bites can also cause rabies. Always get medical care if you are bitten by an animal.

When to call the doctor

An infected wound can become an emergency. Seek medical care right away if you have:

  • Swelling, pain, or redness around the wound
  • Red lines near the injury point toward your heart
  • Pus inside or coming out of the wound
  • Numbness around the injury
  • Increased body temperature


Lacerations are wounds. They are usually caused by sharp objects. You may be able to treat the wound at home with basic first aid. More serious injuries require medical treatment.

You may need a tetanus vaccine or booster shot. Animal bites always require medical attention. You should also seek medical care if the wound shows signs of infection.

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  1. Otterness K, Thode HC Jr, Singer AJ. Rupture closure methods in the ED: a national perspective. Am J Emer Med. 2020;38(6):1058-1061. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2019.158365

  2. National Health Service. Does my cut need stitches?

  3. Stanford Children’s Hospital. Lacerations with stitches.

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Written by Rod Brohard, EMT-P

Rod Brohard is an Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic (EMT-P), journalist, educator, and advocate for EMS providers and patients.

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